• Bently Nevada 3500/45 135137-01 Position I/O Module with Internal Terminations for use with Proximitors, RPTs or DC LVDTs
  • Bently Nevada 3500/45 135137-01 Position I/O Module with Internal Terminations for use with Proximitors, RPTs or DC LVDTs
  • Bently Nevada 3500/45 135137-01 Position I/O Module with Internal Terminations for use with Proximitors, RPTs or DC LVDTs
  • Bently Nevada 3500/45 135137-01 Position I/O Module with Internal Terminations for use with Proximitors, RPTs or DC LVDTs

Bently Nevada 3500/45 135137-01 Position I/O Module with Internal Terminations for use with Proximitors, RPTs or DC LVDTs

Item no: 3500/45 135137-01

Brand: Bently Nevada

Price:$ 500

Delivery time: In Stock

  • Bently Nevada 3500/45 135137-01 Position I/O Module with Internal Terminations for use with Proximitors, RPTs or DC LVDTs
  • Bently Nevada 3500/45 135137-01 Position I/O Module with Internal Terminations for use with Proximitors, RPTs or DC LVDTs

The 3500/45 Position Monitor is a 4-channel instrument that accepts input from proximity transducers, Rotary Position Transducers (RPTs), DC Linear Variable Differential Transformers (DC LVDTs), AC Linear Variable Differential Transformers (AC LVDTs), and rotary potentiometers. The
monitor conditions the input and compares the conditioned signals with user-programmable alarms.

The type of measurement and transducer input determine which I/O modules are required. See Transducer Types for Position Measurements on
page 10., See Figures and Graphs on page 12., and See I/O Modules for AC LVDTs and Rotary Potentimeters on page 14.

You can program each channel using the 3500 Rack Configuration Software to perform the following functions:
 l Axial (thrust) Position
 l Differential Expansion
 l Standard Single Ramp Differential Expansion
 l Non-standard Single Ramp Differential Expansion
 l Dual Ramp Differential Expansion
 l Complementary Differential Expansion
 l Case Expansion
 l Valve Position
The monitor channels are programmed in pairs and can perform up to two of these functions at a time. For example, Channels 1 and 2 can perform one function while channels 3 and 4 may perform the same or a different function.

The primary purpose of the 3500/45 Position Monitor is to provide the following:
 l Machinery protection by continuously comparing monitored parameters against configured alarm setpoints to drive alarms
 l Essential machine information for operations and maintenance personnel

Each channel, depending on configuration, typically conditions its input signal to generate various parameters called measuredvariables. You can establish alert setpoints for each active measured variable and danger setpoints for any two of the active measured variables.